Colourful Fused Glass Jewellery and Homeware made in Portsmouth, Hampshire. Fused Glass workshops taught locally.
Making the World a little more colourful.....
Looking forward to my first ever shopping centre stall tomorrow in Fareham, Hampshire.
I'll be near BB's coffee 9-5pm.
Watch out Fareham Shake Your Glass is coming to make you sparkly! :)
This week I have attended the Vistaprint Night School evening with Jo Fairley Co Founder of Green & Black's as the guest speaker. I like other creative types freely admit that marketing does not come naturally to me. I make the product well and that's about it.... So this year I decided that it wasn't going to happen by magic and I needed to at least get to grips with the basics. The journey so far has included reading lots of online articles with top marketing tips. I have implemented - new brand and design, working on the social media side of things and writing a press release. So far so good. Jo's advise is hard work, perseverance and excellent customer service are key. I don't want to be a multi millionaire but I can scale this to help with my local success. I left feeling positive that I'm at least headed on the right path!