Friday, 22 June 2012

What is Lampworking?

I get asked quite a lot to explain the process of lampworking or more easily defined as glass bead making. I finally got my lovely housemate to take some pictures as I thought a visual aid would better explain! So the first photos show me melting a glass rod and then winding the molten glass around the dipped mandrel to create a spiral. This spiral of glass is then manipulated to create the bead shape you want. Below is my current set up, not ideal but it works! An insight to my world...any questions feel free to ask! Also lots of good news this week and jewellery adventures on the horizon. I'll tell all as they unfold. Have a great weekend, E x

Friday, 8 June 2012

I heart glass!

I had a really productive week! I spent some time getting my hand back in making glass beads along with trying out my new birdie decals. I think you'll agree they are pretty funky! So my big hole beads are a little wobbly in places but I'm pleased with the results. This weekend if you want to buy some original jewellery or just come and have a chat about what I do I'll be in Havant (see flyer below) tomorrow and at Shedfield Cricket Fun Day on Sunday The bain of a glass addict is that there is never enough time to create all your ideas! I'll just have to keep writing them down. Have a fabulous weekend! E x

Friday, 1 June 2012

Inspiring Australia

I have just spent the majority of May in Australia. The primary reason for choosing to go so far was to visit one of my closest friends. We chose 4 destinations on the East Coast - Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns and Cape Tribulation. My head has been buzzing with new ideas inspired mostly by the amazing wildlife. Just to give you a taster I have copied a few pictures below...
So since returning I've been trying to get my head back on time and scribbling designs on my pad. I have to commission work to do over the bank holiday and then 2 events next weekend. Happy Jubilee! E x