This week my creative juices have been flowing...
I've really been enjoying making new designs.
This week I've included my new selection of earrings. I gave up making earrings for a while as have been quite unsuccessful in selling them but actually I think that has been more down to my presentation... we've had them hanging on a jewellery tree so not so easy to access. We have just ordered some lovely personalised cards so not only will these look more professional but they are a really cute design.
A few other really lovely things have happened - we got our jewellery party
flyer's designed by
http://www.maddieillustration.co.uk/ and printed they look ace I'll see if I can get a copy uploaded. Also we have been confirmed for a ladies night in July.

These cobalt blue earrings I gave to my friend as a little pressie. I made the beads myself and they are probably the only 2 so far that even vaguely look like a pair!!
Have a great weekend! E x