I had a lovely Easter weekend. I got my seeds planted, went to visit my friend at the animal sanctuary, went for a meal for Clint's birthday and a few drinks with the girls.
This year I decided to plant my seeds in a bit more of an organised fashion. Last year I threw all remaining seeds in pots and well they all grew - I couldn't believe it. I had to shed plants like mad as sooo many I couldn't cope with them.
So I've invested in 3 propagators with individual little sections for each seed - I have 3 types of tomatoes, 2 types of pepper, courgettes and salad leaves. Controlled growing this year.
The Arc has goats, pigs, a horse, ferrets you name it - I liked the goats and pigs a lot they were such characters. Very silly and inquisitive!
I'm really excited - yesterday finally (I feel like I waited forever even though it was only 3 months) the problem with the gas pressure on my glass bead making set up was resolved. We took everything including the 13kg propane tank to the guys at Migtigarc who fiddled and adjusted. Turned out that the regulator I had wasn't quite right.
So this weekend along with some sushi and a friends housewarming I'm planning on getting down to some bead making.
Have a great one, E x