Friday, 29 January 2010

So this week my head has been buzzing. I'm a little overwhelmed to be honest. I started reading more about glass and manipulating it, combining it with other things and there is just soo much I don't know where to start. I think I might need a famous Elisa list, get all my thoughts on to paper and well start with the cheapest 1's I guess! So above is a little selection of my funny beads so far, I like them, some are really ugly but I like that.

Friday, 22 January 2010


I've been mucking about with wire among other things this week and Sugar Pink Leaves I think has been the most successful effort.

I also decided to wipe the dust from the sewing machine I have been given and figure out what all the fuss is about. Well... I set it up, then got a little stuck. Luckily my friend came to the rescue and it wasn't just my dappyness but the machine is in need of some tlc tweeking at the menders, so I have that adventure next week.

Have a great weekend....I'm hoping to get the chance to try out my edible glitter! Yummy!

Friday, 15 January 2010

Some new creations...

My Cous Stephen and his lovely wife Michelle

I thought I'd pop up this pic as it's just lovely and was great to go to Ireland and see my family.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Wow, what a lovely Xmas break.

Relaxing and eating yummy food with my boyfriend and family then flew off to Ireland for a magical wedding. My cousin got married in Waterford Castle - to any of you who have been lucky to visit it you can share with me what a great location he chose.

So now I'm back and soo many creative ideas are flowing - I want to get the sewing machine fired up as that is an area I have never explored and also try my hand a some more different crochet styles. I picked up a lovely book called Creepy Cute Crochet by Christen Haden and can't wait to have ago. Also this year I'd like to move onto a bulk gas supply for my lampworking - my creativity starts flowing and my can of mapp freezes! Ah!

Well I've had 3 sales already this year and it's only the 8th so cross fingers 2010 continues in the same vain.......

Bye for now from the snowy winter wonderland of Portsmouth! Have a great weekend.