Monday, 28 September 2009


Well everyone seems to be wearing them at weddings now so my black and white hat is going to have a break for my cousins wedding on Saturday. I hit hobbycraft last week and have created my version of a fascinator. I was really pleased with it and can't wait to wear it!

Friday, 18 September 2009

I've had a successful wildlife week this week. The place were I work was releasing painted lady butterflies for charity so I helped set them free and had the one above pose for me on my hand!
Even this dragonflies like the blackberries! They are very yummy and sweet!
And I was surprised the blue tip damselflies are still about but it was sunny so they obviously thought they'd show themselves.
I did a bit of lampworking Monday night - Elisa and yellow glass are not such good friends! 3 out of the 4 beads broke clear in half - I think they cooled too quick so I put them under stress - boo!
I'm off to a goth night tonight which I'm quite excited about - lots of big make up and dancing!

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Do you ever just not feel creative?

I got back from Venice last week and my hand couldn't draw the Venice inspired designs fast enough. Yet this week - I'm just not feeling it.

I definately don't think you can force creativity because I'm sure if I do I won't be happy with my creations. Maybe it's a sit on the sofa, eat lots of homemade comfort food and drink wine week.

Ummm I guess other creative people feel like this to - I've heard of writers block maybe I've got jewellery block.

Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow and the cloud will be lifted!